Public administration optimization

A special segment of public administration reform is the optimization of public administration. Optimization as a process should contribute to the establishment of a financially sustainable public administration that will be a real service to citizens and provide better service delivery on one hand, with less money spent on the other.

The purpose of the optimization process is not to reduce the number of employees, but to bring public administration to the right level, increase the efficiency of public administration and improve the quality of public services.

This process takes place in parallel with better personnel planning and improvement of knowledge, skills and competencies of employees at the central and local level.

In early July 2018, the Government adopted the Public Administration Optimization Plan 2018-2020 which was prepared in cooperation with the Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA) with the support of the European Commission. Measures are divided into short-term and medium-term, and are implemented in accordance with the specifics of the central and local level.

Optimization goals 

The set goals of optimization are: more efficient administration, better services for citizens, budget savings and stable public finances, optimal number of employees and a more competitive economy.

The aim is to support the establishment of an administration that responds in a better way to the needs of citizens and the private sector while relieving the burden on state and municipal budgets.

Agreed termination of employment

Along with the Optimization Plan, the Government passed a Decision on severance pay in the event of an agreed termination of employment, which created a legal basis for the payment of severance pay to employees who are interested in an agreed termination of employment.  

The agreed termination of employment requires the consent of both parties - the employee and the head of the body. The mere submission of a request by an employee does not imply that the agreement will be concluded, i.e. that the employee will be entitled to severance pay.

Namely, the head of the body is obliged to assess whether it is an employee who is necessary for the smooth functioning of the body and to make a decision based on this assessment on whether the employee's request is approved or rejected.

Below you can download the Application Form for Agreed Termination of Employment - Central Level and the Application Form for Agreed Termination of Employment - Local Level.


Due to the importance of the optimization process itself, implementation is regularly monitored and the Government has so far adopted four reports on the implementation of the Optimization Plan, as well as the Analysis of the effects of short-term measures.

The starting point for future directions of action will be the Report on the implementation of the Public Administration Optimization Plan for 2020, which will contain an analysis of the effects of the Plan for the entire implementation period (2018-2020).

The Public Administration Reform Strategy is being drafted and in consultation with all participants in this process, as well as all relevant international partners, we are considering future courses of action aimed at finding ways to, through the implementation of existing legal solutions, better supervision, more efficient work process and employee training affects the efficiency of public administration, which is the essence of any optimization process.

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