WARNING - A new internet scam targeting users of Apple devices

Published on: Jan 11, 2024 11:30 AM

CIRT brings to your attention an ongoing internet scam that is targeting users of Apple devices. The scam involves receiving an iMessage from different @icloud.com addresses claiming that a package has been detained due to missing delivery data such as the address and street number. The message further instructs the user to copy a malicious link and open it in their Safari browser to update the missing data.

To protect yourself from phishing messages, we strongly advice users to take the following steps:

- Update Safari to the latest version.

- If you receive a similar message, please do not reply.

- Do not open links from messages and do not enter any personal information.

We would like to remind you of a phishing campaign that targeted postal service and Viber users in December. A similar campaign is currently active.

If your data is misused, you can report the incident via e-mail: kontakt@cirt.me or by filling out a form on the CIRT website: https://www.gov.me/cirt/prijavi-incident

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