Acceleration of digital management in Montenegro

The realization of the project started on December 1, 2020 and is expected to last until May 30, 2022.

The project is a UNDP rapid support mechanism for overcoming the COVID-19 crisis and aims to support the transition to efficient and open governance, in particular by contributing to institutional resilience and strengthening the confidence of citizens and the economy in the system. Human development in this process is presented as a priority and all project activities are implemented precisely with the aim of contributing to the creation of gender-responsive policies and services in line with the needs of citizens and the economy. The three key areas within which the project activities will be implemented concern:

  • establishing legal regulations and an institutional framework for improving digital governance,
  • improving the cooperation of public administration with citizens and the economy in order to improve digital services using open data,
  • strengthening the human capacity of public administration in order to ensure an efficient system of providing digital services and creating gender-responsive policies.

 The expected results of the project are:

  • assessment of the legal and institutional framework for digital governance that will present the key obstacles in the process of digital transformation of public administration, provide a methodology for establishing a single catalog of administrative services and processes, as well as unified systems for creating and managing e-services;
  • harmonized part of the regulations for digital management in Montenegro;
  • improved system of management and use of open data;
  • developed digital solutions of the public administration system in cooperation with the start-up community and entrepreneurs in accordance with the needs of citizens and the economy;
  • provided support for the improvement of digital skills;
  • provided an online system to support the economic empowerment of women;
  • developed an online platform and courses for civil servants in the areas of digital governance, gender policy making and open data management.
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