Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

PM Krivokapić: Montenegro will not be a bargaining chip in political struggles, but a home for all its citizens

Published on: May 21, 2021 4:00 PM Author: Office of the Prime Minister

Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapić addressed the citizens of Montenegro on the occasion of Independence Day. We publish his letter in its entirety.

"Dear people,

The statehood of Montenegro is not something that happened yesterday. Montenegro has a long state tradition, which goes beyond the ideological story we heard until 30 August last year. 

By celebrating Independence Day at a time when our country has taken the path of the development of democracy, social consensus and civic equality, let's make this national holiday a day that will be accepted by all its citizens.

From that perspective, Montenegro and its statehood will not be a bargaining chip in political struggles, but a home for all its citizens, a harmony of cultures and traditions, in which everyone will find their place and way of expression.

We cannot hide our satisfaction that this holiday is taking place for the first time in these fifteen years in a free and democratic environment. By the will of the people of Montenegro, the last offshoots of single-mindedness have become a part of history, and we have taken the path of progress and prosperity.

We celebrate the holiday in freedom, and that is the main idea of the modern Montenegrin statehood. Montenegro is returning to itself, returning to the historical ideal of freedom, which in the modern language is called - democracy.

It is true that for the past fifteen years, Independence Day has been identified with a political party and its ideology that is far from democracy and that has tried to identify itself with Montenegro.

We must never again allow Montenegro and its citizens to be hostages of anyone's ideological shackles, in which there will be second-class citizens, on any basis. Therefore, we are obliged to provide firm conditions that will guarantee freedom for all. That free and democratic Montenegro of all its citizens, instead of a party and private state, is what we should associate with today's date, because Montenegro is not called the "cradle of freedom" for no reason.

I invite you all, dear citizens, to contribute to this. The significance of this day will depend on the social consensus, which will mean the common good of all. From the day we fought for democracy in Montenegro, Independence Day is no longer and will not be directed against anyone, but for freedom and democracy, which guarantee the prosperity of each of us, regardless of our political, ideological, national and religious affiliation. That is independence which is worthy of patriotism and which shows the old and glorious statehood of Montenegro," the Prime Minister's letter reads.

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