Prime Minister in Luxembourg: Enhanced cooperation with diaspora for more successful projects

Published on: Jan 28, 2024 7:15 PM Author: Office of the Prime Minister

Prime Minister Milojko Spajić is paying an official visit to Luxembourg, where he met with representatives of the diaspora.

During a direct conversation, the Prime Minister emphasised the importance of the diaspora, particularly in promoting Montenegro in Luxembourg and across Europe.

Diaspora representatives presented various activities that bring them together, highlighting the importance of stronger ties with Montenegro.

They noted that the increase in the minimum pension would particularly impact the elderly population in the northern part of the country.

Various associations presented projects aimed at preserving identity and cultural heritage, as well as integrating Montenegro's population into Luxembourg's system and encouraging involvement in local political life.

Milojko Spajić sa dijasporom, Luksemburg

They emphasised their support for students and participation in numerous humanitarian actions, not only in Montenegro.

During the discussions, it was highlighted that Luxembourg has the most active Montenegrin diaspora, with associations receiving numerous awards and recognitions.

Issues and challenges were also discussed, with a dialogue seeking solutions, involving a more active role of the state.

Prime Minister Spajić presented the priorities of the 44th Government, focusing on EU accession, strengthening the rule of law, and improving infrastructure.

The meeting was attended by Ambassador of Montenegro based in Brussels, Ivan Leković, Chief of the Office of the Prime Minister Branko Krvavac, and the Prime Minister's Foreign Affairs Adviser Milica Perišić.

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