Prime Minister Milojko Spajić's address on the occasion of Montenegro's Independence Day

Published on: May 17, 2024 7:00 PM Author: Public Relations Service of the Government of Montenegro

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We, who live in Montenegro today, should think about how to be good ancestors. Yes, we should strive to make future generations proud of us and our deeds. But how can we achieve this? By focusing on timelessly relevant issues and removing the noise of daily politics.

We say, "May Montenegro be eternal!" But let's ask ourselves, what are we embedding into its eternity?

Dear citizens,

It has been just over half a year since you entrusted me with leading the 44th Government with the task of guiding Montenegro towards further progress.

We have set three key priorities: balanced and accelerated economic development, speeding up European integration, and ensuring the rule of law.

From this vantage point, we can say that in a relatively short period, we have achieved notable results in creating conditions to improve transport infrastructure, a key prerequisite for overall economic growth.

All fourteen sections of highways and expressways are in the preparation phase for implementation.

Thanks to the undertaken activities, the construction of the second section of the Mateševo – Andrijevica highway will begin almost a year and a half earlier than planned.

This project will be followed by the construction of expressways, leading to approximately 500 km of modern transport infrastructure by the end of 2023 – 260 km of highways and 220 km of expressways, connecting Montenegro better internally, with the region, and Europe.

In this context, the railway system will not lag behind, with over 100 million euros in grants secured from our friends in the European Union for its reconstruction.

Simultaneously, our administration has quickly prepared a very ambitious reform agenda to compete for funds under the EU Growth Plan, through which Montenegro will have nearly half a billion euros at its disposal.

Regarding infrastructure project preparations, we can say that these activities lay the foundations for a better future for us and our children.


Parallel to these processes, and in line with our promises, we have, within just two months of our mandate, created conditions to increase the minimum pension to 450 euros for 74,000 of our citizens. Furthermore, a recent Government decision has enabled the resolution of proportional pensions, allowing these citizens to receive increased pensions starting early next year.

I have stated that 450 euros is necessary for minimum human dignity, and the Government of Montenegro is obliged to ensure this right.

Therefore, I want to assure you once again – Dear citizens, your pensions are secure!

In addition to pensions, our other promises will be realized within the stipulated timelines.

However, alongside our other priorities, apart from economic ones, the state must guarantee legal security as the foundation for all reform processes that aim to improve our society.

The executive branch is a reliable support to the legislative and judicial branches – not only within the limits of our capabilities but beyond, ensuring that the rule of law evolves from an ideal to our standard. How successful we will be in this endeavor depends significantly on each of us individually.

Hence, I would like to highlight that within this parliamentary majority, and often with the support of the opposition, decisions have been made that resulted in progress in negotiating chapters 23 and 24.

Thanks to such Montenegro, we are expecting a positive Interim Benchmark Assessment Report in June, bringing new hope to our European prospects. And hope for Montenegro is hope for the entire region.

It may sound pretentious, but our progress towards EU accession has given new impetus to our neighbours – the idea of Europeanism seems to be making a significant return, even among those who had started to lose faith in the European perspective.

Thus, through our actions on the regional stage, we reaffirm our support to our closest neighbours, helping them overcome the past and look forward to a shared, prosperous European future.

Dear guests,

Convinced that the achievements behind us are remarkable and those ahead even greater, I remain dedicated to Montenegro's progress every day of my mandate and my life.

I am confident that the best times for Montenegro are yet to come, and for Montenegro to be eternal, it must be excellent. Tonight, on the occasion of our Independence Day, we pay homage to excellence and give the floor to successful young people who already have – and will continue to – demonstrate how hard work, discipline, and striving for the highest results are the best contributions we can make to our country.

To them, who are our examples and who never give up.

Let us be good ancestors to our descendants, for the best is yet to come!

Happy Independence Day, and may Montenegro be eternal!

Predsjednik Vlade Milojko Spajić priredio prijem povodom Dana nezavisnosti - kadrovi
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