Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Government: We respect the Declaration on Srebrenica, stop politicisation and manipulation of victims

Published on: Mar 29, 2021 2:45 PM Author: Public Relations Service of the Government of Montenegro

The Government led by Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapić respects the continuity of international obligations of Montenegro, as well as the decisions of all international institutions.

Also, the Government respects the Declaration of Acceptance of the Resolution of the European Parliament adopted by the Parliament of Montenegro in 2009, which condemns the crime of genocide in Srebrenica committed in 1995, as well as all other war crimes committed during the conflict in the former Yugoslavia.

The Government of Montenegro neither wants nor can change the decisions of international courts, but neither to declare some nations genocidal and others holy, because that is contrary to the principle that every crime is individual, that it has specific perpetrators and, unfortunately, specific victims and that specific individuals always answer for such crimes. The Government led by Prime Minister Krivokapić condemns all crimes committed by anyone and stands in solidarity with the families of all victims of any crime.

Prime Minister Krivokapić, together with the Minister of Justice, Mr. Leposavić, and other members of the Government, expressed deep reverence for all victims of the wars in the former Yugoslavia and called for an end to all forms of politicisation and manipulation of victims. Reconciliation between the people and countries of the region is of the utmost importance for the Government of Montenegro.

The current Government of Montenegro was elected after the democratic victory of the citizens of Montenegro and their will for Montenegro to be free and equal, not trapped and private, to be a state governed by the rule of law, not individuals, and to resolutely embark on a path of changes in society in favour of reconciliation and real equality of all people, religions and identities.

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